Eho Maki, the Fortune Sushi Roll!
ksmmm2021-01-29T07:14:35+00:00Celebrating 2021's Setsubun with our original Eho Maki, the Fortune Sushi Roll. LIMITED TO 30
Try our new Items added to our cafe menu!
ksmmm2021-01-26T23:19:30+00:00New Items! Houji-cha Dorayaki and Houji-cha Latte.
Kuryu New York Kitchen Lab is NOW OPEN
ksmmm2020-12-15T02:12:33+00:00Kuryu New York Kitchen Lab is NOW OPEN in Park Slope, Brooklyn! Click here
We are excited to serve you from December 11th 2020!!
ksmmm2020-12-11T22:53:59+00:00We are excited to serve you starting from December 2020!!